Audio Books: For the Multitasking Maniac

     I love reading, I love seeing the words unfold on the page and feeling the paper between my fingers. I love the smells and textures that come with books. I also enjoy being able to read in the dark with my EReader while the baby sleeps beside me. What I've recently fallen in love with, though, is audio books. Though expensive, audio books allow for unlimited possibilities for the multitasking maniac: yours truly.

     When I turn on my audio book I can rock the baby or play with the baby, or if they baby is sleeping I can crochet or knit. When I’m having trouble sleeping I can put on my audio book and close my eyes and just let the voice actor lull me to sleep. Of course there are problems with this: Audio books don’t save your place, they just keep on playing until they reach the end so losing your place is common if you’re listening to fall asleep. Also, you’ll miss things if your attention drifts away, something very common with the ADD mind.

     It’s one of those things you have to weigh the pros against the cons. The only real con I think might hinder my going audio book crazy is the price: 34 dollars for a book that, honestly, I can listen to in just one day if I wanted to, is extremely irresponsible. So I joined Audible’s little club and promised myself I wouldn’t listen to a book in one sitting. My life is crazy right now so it’s pretty easy to keep this promise. With one free book a month and discounts on the other ones I think it’ll be worth it! Of course I can’t stop my Amazon addiction: I saw a book in Costco that I thought looked interesting but it was 12$. I found it on Amazon for .98 cents 4$ for expedited shipping and bam! I got a book for 4.98$. I think I’ve mentioned that I actually have an Amazon allowance: if someone doesn’t monitor my book addiction I’d spend our entire savings on books. There’s just SO many! I’ve given up on going back to my old favorites over and over, but I think with my Charley Davidson audio collection I can easily relisten to all of them while I’m waiting for a month to pass so I can get my free audio book, and I’m sure you know by now about my addiction to Charley… I’m thinking of renaming this blog Addicted to books. But didn’t you know that already? I mean this is Read Drink Be Bloggy!

     I’d like to hear more about YOUR reading addictions and I’m missing having comments from my readers! So go comment crazy!! I’m excited to hear from you all!

     And as always, Keep Reading!
Category: 3 comments


Tab said...

I really enjoy audio books, especially while I'm working, but I can't listen to them while I'm in bed because I definitely will fall asleep with the earbuds still in my ears! Some of the audiobooks available on iTunes are a bit less expensive (usually in the $15-30 range), but that's still enough to make me super selective about the ones I buy!

Angie said...

I've never actually listened to an audio book. I think for me it would be a waste. Growing up in NYC my mind formed knowing there was a need for background noise. Which is why I usually have music playing. I dont really need to pay attention to music because I connect with it so deep within. A book on the other hand I'd want to really listen to and with all my other distractions I'd miss 90% of the book. I've considered getting them of course but realistically it's a sink hole. I have recently gotten addicted to the ereader on my phone. I've already downloaded more books thanks to that (and now the kindle being a droid app) than I have had time to read. Luckily so far I've found a bunch of free ones. Once I get thru those though I'm sure I'll be needing a book allowance too. haha

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the great post. Niceto know there are others out there. My blog is devoted to nothing but multi-tasking while listening to audiobooks.

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