De-funk My Funk

De-funk My Funk:
Have you ever lost your inspiration? Lost a story? I feel like I missed my chance with my last story idea by waiting too Long to actually put my fingers to the key board. I've lost my excitement and the drive to write. Actually, I've lost a lot of my drive recently. I'm not sure what cause it, possibly lack of sleep, or an increase in stress. I took on a lot of projects and now I feel like I'm drowning in them. The worst part of drowning is that the one thing that I want to do, the thing that would make me the happiest, is what's been lost: my writing. Not just my blogging, which has been at a decrease as well, but my creativity. Is it possible to use up your creativity?
I took on knitting, crochet, I've got my own blog as well as guest posting on three other blogs, and I started my own business! I'm now a consultant with the Pampered Chef, not to mention being a full time mom. I love ALL of these ventures, but I miss my writing. I'm exhausted. My weight loss is totally of track.
My Pampered Chef is taking a lot more work than I anticipated and is making me feel as though I'm hounding my friends and my family for purchases ALL THE TIME and getting little to no interest, but they are great products and I believe in them and I know I could do some good with the money as well as possibly using the business I do some good in the world by donating some of my benefits to charities and organizations that are near and dear to my heart. I can't do any of these things with our buyers, though, so I'm left with calling everyone I know or Facebook stalking them and constantly asking them to buy products. No one wants to host parties.

On another note, my knitting has been replaced by crochet. I really enjoy all of the fun things that can be done with crochet that's pretty impossible with knitting unless you're far better at it than I am. Still most of my projects have flopped and I'm not trying as hard to get the done and sell them as I was. A lot of this started when Jesse lost his job. Having him around all the time is nice but it's also one more huge distraction. This is mostly my fault because since he's home I feel like we should be doing things. But neither he nor I have been doing what we REALLY should. Also, baby is now mobile. My leisurely days are over. To top it all off my little Angel has been a bit of a hellion lately. I don't know if it's teething or a super early onset of rebellion and independence. Whatever it is it's keeping my up at night because I'm not able to do what I need to during the day. I wish I was
sleeping better! I wish he would sleep better! You know how when you don't sleep your brain malfunctions? Your memory is shot, linguistics is suddenly a skill you wonder if you ever had, and thoughts escape nearly quicker than they came, and let's not forget emotional overdrive, and a big ol' bite from the cranky bug right on the tooshie. I hate being sleep deprived.
What I really hate, though, is feeling like I'm losing the most interesting part about myself: my creative writing. So any of you writers, how do you begin to get your interest back in a story? HAVE you ever lost interest in a story? Do you have any exercises that help get your creative juices flowing? How about
ways to balance a heavy work load?

Category: 3 comments


Jeffe Kennedy said...

The only way I know of is to sit and write. It doesn't matter what. But find 15 minutes - ideally an hour, but take what you can get - when you can eliminate ALL distractions. Shut the door, turn off the ringer, disconnect the interwebs and sit there the full time. Write something, anything. Then do it again the next day.

Trust me - it works. Good luck!

Jessica Moore said...

I fully agree with everything Jeffe said. I've had writers block more times than I can count, but trust me, it is short-lived. Try not to let yourself get too down about it, and if you have to, rearrange some of your priorities and activities to give yourself more time for writing. I find what ALWAYS helps me, no matter how stumped I am, is getting out in nature. Find a way to get some quite time, completely to yourself (easier said than done as a mommy, I know!!) and just.. sit there in silence. Don't sit down and try to force yourself to write right away.. just think. Let your thoughts roam freely. Don't put any time limit on it really, just.. think. Being in nature has a way of clearing your head.. or letting loose the thoughts that you may not realize are clogging some of those creative brainwaves.. and when you feel the urge, write, and write freely. Anything that comes to mind, without putting restrictions on yourself and what you THINK you should be writing. Chances are, you'll find your creativity again, and then you'll have more ideas for your actual writing project. I hope this helps, and let me know if you ever want anyone to look over your writing! It is one of my great passions as well. Chin up and don't lose hope!

Read Drink and Be Bloggy said...

Thank you Jessica and Jaffe! You are both right. I just need to schedule my time more efficiently so that I have time to really sit and write!

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