Hello, Readers, so sorry for the hiatus. My son has been very sick this past week. I hope to be back posting very soon! Love you all… If you have had any good new reads or any new drinks please let me know in the comments! I have recently tried the Blond coffee from Starbucks… I will admit so far I am not a big fan, but then I brew my coffee very differently from their typical instructions and haven’t had a chance to really play with the Blonds yet (tehehe). I typically brew the Starbucks Caramel or Vanilla coffee.

Keep reading Bloggers!
Category: 2 comments


Angie said...

I recently tried some Yellow Tail wine that was left at my house by a realtive. I didn't like it, maybe the bottle was old but it tasted kind of flat. I have another bottle of wine that I plan on opening tonight, since it's valentines day and all. It's the Middle Sister kind. I hope that one is better. Do you drink wine? What kind do you like?

Read Drink and Be Bloggy said...

Yellow Tail is a tough one for sure... it MAY have been an old bottle, but more likely it just wasn't a good blend for you. I like Pino nior's because they tend to be a lighter fruitier red, whites tend to be more dry tasting to me so I'm not a huge fan. Although, there are certainly a LOT of dry red wines. As for specific brands I've never been one to favor anything, however, the Vampire Vineyards wine is really good! I'm certainly no wine snob, I like it cheap haha

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