Just a Quickie...

     So, there was some hoopla last night by the readers and audio listeners alike when a tiny little mistake made itself known to the fans… Swoops dies! My copy didn’t have this ending, so when I saw on Facebook people talking about a character dying I was floored… WHAT”S GOING ON?!? I wrote. No one responded, naturally, so I just finished my book and began preparing my review. I saw it this morning, the explanation from Darynda saying she realized instead of raising the stakes, I accidently wiped them off the page.” (From her interview with Wicked Little Pixie). In any case, I’m really glad Swoops didn’t die, even if he would have still been in the book he’s that sexy little nudger from the sidelines giving Charley (or Chuck as I like to call her) little, teeny, tiny doubts about her future with Reyes. I have Big, BIg, BIG things to say about this in my upcoming review, but for now I have a question for you readers. (Thanks Kristin for the light bulb!)

     I want to hear about the characters you love, how they died, and how it made you cry. The one that really stands out for me is Tonks and Lupin from Harry Potter. I had always been in love with those characters from the minute I read them, and it’s always been a sore spot for me that their parts in the movies got cut up so badly. That aside, I balled my eyes out when they died. Other characters deaths that made me shed a tear: Dobby (from Harry Potter), Dumbledore (from Harry Potter)… omg, let’s just say I cried every time a character died in Harry Potter cause there were a lot of them. I cried when Tina, Sookie Stackhouse’s cat, died (I was pregnant, okay I get a pass on that), Oh and I REALLY cried when her fairy godmother, Claudine, died. (Do not even get my started on the books vs True Blood, I’m not in the mood to get heated haha!) Those are the ones I can think of off the top of my head. Unless you count how often I cry when people die on TV shows… does anyone watch Bones? Did anyone else cry like a baby when Nigel Murray died? Cause I did. BIG baby.

     Okay, so now it’s your turn… aaand go!
Category: 6 comments


Kristin Mosher said...

Last character whose death I cried over....a dinosaur. Yeah. The sister dinosaur from the book Raptor Red. I distinctly remember a girl in my 9th grade class crying hysterically over a character's death in the Clan of the Cave Bear series. I thought she was so weird and totally uncool. Oh, if I could take that back. I completely understand now.

Anonymous said...

I haven't cried over the death of a character recently but I am so bummed that Steig Larsen - the author of Girl with the Dragon Tattoo etc. died and with him his great character Lisbeth Salander.
To me this series was like the adult Harry Potter. I didn't want it to end. - Boo Hoo.

Angie said...

I too loved Tonks & Lupin, as characters in the book (and as a couple). When they died in the book I was surprised but not to tears, Dumbeldore did that to me. But movie wise I DID cry when they died (and yes their parts should have been bigger since in the story they played bigger roles) but didn't cry for Albus then. I was actually MAD they killed him in the movie (and yes I had read the book first). LOL can't say I know why but that was my reaction.
My other favorite characters were Lestat, cuz who doesn't love him?? Stephanie Plum, she's still live and kickin Jersey ass. And of course Sweet little Alice (Wonderland not Twilight although her & Jasper were my fave of the groups). As you know Alice doesn't die and doesn't grow up. I'm Alice, welcome to my world.

Anonymous said...

I felt like crap when Lestat had his body stolen...but I don't think I've honestly cried for any character...be it in literature or film...


Darynda said...

Oh it kills me when a character dies!!! Within the first 10 minutes of Up, I was bawling my eyes out! Can't handle death, and yet that's all I seem to write about. LOL. Snape really got to me, as did all the others in the Harry Potter series. Rue in the Hunger Games brought some tears as well.

Great post, you!

Read Drink and Be Bloggy said...

Thanks all for the comments!! I hope you all will continue to read and comment! Tell your friends!!

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