
     So I’ve now finished Touch of Frost by Jennifer Estep and have moved on to Kiss of Frost (the second book in the series). My feelings about this series, thus far, can be summed up in one word: conflicted. On the one hand Touch of Frost reminded me a lot of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Do you remember that one? Harry was such a winey little turd in that book that I found myself yelling at the pages and even threw my book into the laundry basket once or twice. So here’s the breakdown of the story before I go on: Gwen Frost finds herself at a new school, knowing no one, shortly after her mother dies in a car crash caused by a drunk driver (though I have a sneaking suspicion that’s not at all what really happened… only time will tell). This is a pretty basic set up for a very basic story, but, the awesome part of this story is that Gwen is what’s known as a Gypsy. Not the card reading vagabond type, but she has special powers: when she touches things she can see and feel everything an object has been through; whether the object is alive, dead, or inanimate.

      This school, in which she knows no one (and reminds the reader of this ad nauseum ad infinitum), has got to be the coolest school next to Hogwarts itself. Everyone who goes there is a descendant from mythological warriors who fought in the Chaos war against a God named Loki. There were Valkyries, Romans, Spartans, Amazons, ninjas, samurai, and many, many, many others. This sounds like an amazing premise for a story right? Except that Gwen herself is utterly loathed to everything around her. She hates that the kids are so snobby and rich and have every new gadget and the very best top brand name everything, she hates the food served in the cafeteria (albeit fillet minion pizza does sound really freaking weird, and that’s not even the strangest example given), and she hates her classes. Though she, herself, has magic and witnesses the magic the other students poses she still does not believe in any of it. She sits in her Myth History class and pretty much ignores everything the teacher is telling her because she simply thinks it’s stupid and couldn’t possibly be true. I want to scream at her “HELLO! HOW COULD IT NOT BE TRUE? YOU TOUCH STUFF AND SEE THINGS, YOUR GRANDMA SEES THE FUTURE, YOUR MOM KNEW WHEN PEOPLE WERE LYING, AND THE KIDS IN THE SCHOOL HAVE SPARKLERS COMING OUT OF THEIR FINGERTIPS!!!” What’s there not to believe?? I get very animated when I’m angry at characters.

     As the story progresses some even weirder than usual things start happening to Gwen: she witnesses a girl die in the library where she works. Something feels wrong to her. One of my biggest pet peeves in a story is a mystery novel where the mystery is blatantly obvious to everyone but the main character, so when I figured out what was going on long before Gwen did I was slightly annoyed. Not to mention the fact that most of the dialogue read like bad movie lines or an adult writer trying to dumb down her characters to make them believably “teen-like”. I know quite a few teenagers that don’t have to talk like idiots for it to be obvious that they lack life experience.

     Still, with such a cool story premise and a love interest that’s totally drool worthy, as well as a plethora of interesting characters, this story wasn’t exactly bad. I couldn’t put my finger on it; despite my being seriously irritated by Gwen I couldn’t stop reading! Even at the end of the book I wasn’t sure how I felt about it. The descriptions were great, the characters were a little predictable but in a way that any avid reader may find any character (someone always reminds you of someone else you’ve read after about 100 books), and the dialogue, as movie quotie as it seemed, was interesting and fit the personalities of the characters. With an amazing story idea and a lot of room to grow I found myself immediately buying the second book for my Kindle.

     I’m not very far in to Kiss of Frost but I’ve seen huge improvements, and seeing as how there are quite a few books after this one I can only imagine it keeps getting better and better. Much like Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, a lot of the issues I had with the story weren’t really about the story so much as issues with a snotty and sometimes vapid teenager. Well, who hasn’t dealt with a few of those?!  I can honestly say that I’m fully enjoying Kiss of Frost and my new word for this series is now: Addicted.

     I know! I know! I spent 90% of this blog basically bashing the books. But, seriously, if you pick one up (and I suggest you do), I think you will find yourself getting pulled along by the story the same way I was. After all, we got through Order of the Phoenix didn’t we? This series is just too good of a story arc not to keep reading and not to suggest it to you all. I will keep you updated as I continue to finish reading the series. I’m not even going to tell you more about the books because I just know I’ll accidentally throw in a spoiler, I’ll just tell you that they are definitely worth picking up.

     I also intend to read her adult novels starting with Her Elemental Assassin number one: Spider's Bite. If any of you decide you can’t stand the teen angst and shoot for one of her adult novels and happen to get to this one before me let me know and you can, if you want, do a guest blog post on the book!

By the way, all of these books have been out for a while, I have a serious problem starting series in the middle. If you don't, though, check out By A Thread, which was just released and has gotten FANTASTIC reviews!

Check out all of Jennifer's books at

For my readers: Have you ever been conflicted or addicted to a book or series? Which ones and why? Please leave comments!
Category: 2 comments


Rhianna said...

I read about 15 books into the Carpathian series by Christine Feehan ...and now have stopped. It was carbon copy stories in each one. Some of the beginning ones had different story lines, but it was getting really easy to guess the entire story line so I just stopped getting frustrated and stopped reading it.

Also, if you like to read about multiple pantheons clashing in a book, try the Immortals After Dark series by Kresley Cole and the Lords of the Underworld series by Gena Showalter.
Both are adult paranormal romance.

Read Drink and Be Bloggy said...

Awesome! I will add them to my list!

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