"How To" Books and How I Hate You

     Have you ever read a How To book? Did you get anything out of it? I’ve tried to read a couple of them over the years and I’ve always been pretty disappointed.

     The first How To book I ever read was a How To have better sex book. The first chapter was about “getting to know your vagina”. I was a little surprised by this because, after all, I’ve lived with my vagina my whole life: I thought we were pretty well acquainted. I was wrong. The book said to get a mirror and look at my girl. I put the book down and never picked it back up. I was pretty sure that a book talking about masturbation and an up close and personal with my Lower Lady was NOT going to help me rediscover my libido. In fact I was quite sure that if I looked at her in the mirror I would realize exactly why I wasn’t feeling like having sex: because Lady Friend is not such a good looker and any doubts about why we were not on speaking terms would be summed up into one word if I looked at her: ugly.  It was shortly after this that I realized the problem wasn’t with me at all. I was just dating a D-bag. That set me and My Girl back to rights. Funny how she knew before I did that the relationship was a dud.

     The second How To book was about knitting, and it was more of an idiots guide than an actual How To. Knitting is not such a complicated thing, really, once you’ve figured it out a bit. I wanted to be a better knitter and knit more complicated things so I ordered the book for my Kindle. The words describing the knitting, even the knitting things I already knew how to do, made no sense to me what so ever. Even the pictures had my brain spinning. I needed and idiots guide to the idiots guide!

     Now I do How To Videos: they are free on YouTube and you can rewind them and I even feel better about shouting at my computer screen and a real person as opposed to the written word on the page when the videos make no sense to me. I wouldn’t suggest looking up How To Videos on how to have better sex though. Just a suggestion.
Category: 6 comments


Rhianna said...

Agreed. I've never found an actually helpful "How To" book. I think a lot of adults prefer to learn by live example, video, or through actual instruction of some kind versus reading a manual on stuff.
Although, I am not sure if I'd prefer to learn about my lady bits via live example...

Anonymous said...

well, I hope that the video about getting to know your vagina isn't on youtube...but otherwise, youtube has kind of become the unofficial tutorial center for everything from driving, to using a netty pot

Read Drink and Be Bloggy said...

lol! No thankfully the lady bits is not on youtube (as far as I know)!

I totally forgot to mention that I think What to Expect is concidered a sort of "How To" book and I HATE that book! Scared me to death. I stopped reading that after the second chapter.

Angie said...

First let me say..bwahahahahahaha!!! Oh my. I remember when you and I were having this conversation on twitter. Bravo for the post! I totally agree with you on help books, give me a live demo. Except again on the Lady Bits, that's called porn. haha. I never read "What to Expect" since I had a couple friends to tell me live what to expect, they did all the scaring. haha.

Rhianna said...

The Mayo Clinic pregnancy guide is SO MUCH BETTER than What to Expect!!

Anonymous said...

What a hoot you are! I thought this post was too funny. Someday you will have to tell me who the D-Bag was.
Yeah, I'm not in to self help books either. I have bought many and finished only one which I read too late to help me with problems at work.
A. Susan

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